Saturday, August 25, 2012

Post 08:: Caffeine Crashes

So much mountain dew. Finally broke it and got the worst caffeine headache ever.

Guild Wars Two came out. . . . and so there goes all of my love life, basically. Hnnnng. >:c

I miss my friends. . . . like. . . Melanie and Robin. . . . in particular. . . . those two girls are like. . . the best. . . ever. . . D': And now I don't get to see them much.

I discovered a new album that one of the bands I adore just put out this year. It's by Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, and the album is Ascending To Infinity. . . and. . . and. . .and it's great. I practically fell over in ecstasy when I heard it. Have this::

Monday, August 20, 2012

Post 07:: Jesus With A Fedora

Wednesday was a holy day of obligation, so I had to go to mass. Halfway through the Eucharist, I noticed that the crucifix was oddly twisted.. . . It looked like Jesus was doing a Michael Jackson dance. I exploded into giggles that were completely inappropriate.

Thursday was a day spent at home, as was Friday. Saturday, I had to go to church because I was going to Cedar Point on Sunday. So Ben and I went to church. Ben hadn't been to church since he was like, 3. So he was really worried that he was going to do something wrong. First he crawled over a pew, then he fistpumped when he got a response right. When the priest ate the eucharist, Ben goes, 'omnomnom" and I was like OMG BEN STOP. Then, as we left, Ben goes, 'I didn't even get to drink any holy water what kind of a church is this ?"
After that, he and Aidan and I went out to eat at The Claddagh, which is a medieval-type Irish restaurant which is mildly expensive but has godly food. And then I went home and Derek came over and spent the night and yeahh the next morning he was like 'GOOD MORNING. I KNOW I'M AT YOUR HOUSE BUT I'M GONNA GO OVER HERE AND PLAY LEAGUE WITH SOME OF MY OTHER FRIENDS AND NOT INVITE YOU
So then I spent the next few hours trying not to be pouty because I mean it's not like we were going to do anything other than sit there but I could have played I don't know.

Sunday I ended up not-going to Cedar point because I had a headache, but it was gone by 11.30am and so I called my mum and she came over and brought me fruit and we went for a walk at Kensington beach and it was fun  c:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Post 06:: Warhammer Feels

So, I bought more Dark Eldar for my Warhammer 40k army. . . All Warhammer junk was 25 % off, so I felt immensely better about myself, although I still cringed at the final price.

I had this great plan where I was going to go off and buy healthier food and start running in the mornings, just try to lose some weight and tone up, you know ? But then I went to the store and bought chips instead. And I also had this plan where I was going to go to bed earlier than usual so that I could get up and go running. But then it was 4.30am and I'm still awake. So there goes that idea.

I let Dylan use my computer to make a League account and now he plays, so it's super exciting. Only sad thing is that, while he's playing, I can't play. So we can never play together. :c
But I do help him play, when he asks me to help him.

Diamond and Captain are being snuggly and lovey and it is just adorable.
I do need to redye Diamond. . . think I'll go do that now.  Sleep well, my kittens. Love you all~

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Post 05:: Kitten Zombies

Today was pretty. . . noneventful. Derek spent the night on the floor once again, and we didn't wake up until about 1.30pm. He was all like, 'omfg I have wasted so much time !!!", and I was like, 'well. . . what else would you be doing ?" and he was like, 'playing video games !"
and I was like, '. . ."
and he was like, '. . . "
and I was like, '. . . so. ."

Then I made potato soup, and walked over to the Leo's coney island at the end of our street, to meet up with Ben. And Ben texted me saying, 'I'm here". . . but he wasn't there.
And so I called him, and we eventually realized, after about ten minutes of debating, that he was at a different Leo's coney island. Ben finally found me after I had walked about a mile to Meadowbrook, and we drove back to my hometown to pick up my schoolbooks. Ben got lost three times. I love smartphones. And I love having Google Maps built into them.
Most-used word of the day::

My family once again chased me out the door with food. We actually had to shut the door in my sister's face the first time, as she ran after us and attempted to give me cartons of soup while yelling 'BUT WHAT WILL YOU EAT ?"

Derek finally went home tonight. He hasn't seen his family in three days, and I think Skye's gayness is rubbing off on him, as Derek was talking with a gay accent for the better half of the night. There is obviously nothing wrong with this. However, it is still incredibly amusing.

Minecraft finally ran smoothly. I downloaded a texture pack where all of the things have kittens hidden in them. The zombies are probably the most frightening things of all. They have kitten heads . . . . eurghoiehaorid

Monday, August 13, 2012

Post 04:: Tasty Twigs

Saturday night[aka Sunday morning]] I stayed up until 5.00am, as usual. And then on Sunday I woke up at 8.20am to go to mass and it was gross. Aidan called me and we talked a bit and then went out and I bought two pet rats. I named one of them Diamond, and the other one Captain Glitterpants. Diamond is an all-white rat who I dyed purple with vegan, animal-safe hairdye. And now he's adorable. Captain Glitterpants is black and white, and has a bad eye and a rip out of his ear. :c But, here they are::
I bought them a nice, three-story level cage and they're happy. I bought them some snacks, they're little bits of flavored wood called Tasty Twigs, and they're different colours, and the rats love them immensely. I usually put them on the third level of the cage, and Diamond runs up the different flights, grabs a few in his teeth, and runs back down and puts them on the ground floor for Captain, who is really wary of climbing up the flights. . . probably because of her bad eye. :c

I finally bought my own Minecraft account, but all of the usernames I wanted were already taken. . . so, out of frustration, I typed in 'TastyTwigs" and it was like, 'congratulations on your new account !" and I was like, 'ohh. . . . shit."

I am now frantically attempting to finish some school papers before September first, so that I can get my diploma.. . . so tomorrow, Ben is driving me back to my hometown of Troy to pick up some books that I'll need for school. Should be exciting.

 I believe tonight will be what the crowd at our house refers to as, "Drunken League Night", which is where everyone except for Dylan and I get totally drunk and watch Doctor  Who and play League of Legends.
It's not that anyone in this house actually cares about Legal Ages. It's just that the people who aren't 21 or up just don't drink. Of their own free will. So, Dylan and I don't drink. We could if we wanted to. But we don't.

On a final note, I'm going to Cedar Point on Sunday, for the first time in my life. Woop ! Skye's never been either, and he's coming with us, too. I'm excited [:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Post 03:: Friday Night Soda Cans

Last night, I went to FNM with my friends Ben and Aidan. FNM is Friday Night Magic, where a bunch of nerds gather to play Magic: The Gathering in a tournament. Ben got 7th and Aidan got 2nd. I dropped out after the third round, because I had lost every single game. It's a Swiss-style tournament, so you get points for winning and losing, and you verse someone for best 2 out of 3. I only won two games out of the nine that I played, and then I dropped out to go get food. It was my first time ever playing the deck that I played, and Aidan and Ben had made the deck for me the night before, so it wasn't exactly play-tested. So I lost. Horribly. And it wasn't a very good deck at all. Next week I'm hopefully going to be playing a Humans deck, which should be fun. Monoblack vampire/zombie decks are not my most favorite thing.

Dylan made Troy a dream catcher for their one-year anniversary and it's adorable so here's a picture of it::
Also, Aidan and I went to his church so that he could practice piano/organ, and I played a little bit of piano as well. I miss my piano books, I'd like to play my music again.. . .

This morning when I got up, I went to put my phone charger on the table that is next to the couch that I call my bed... and could not. There was actually no room on the entire table, for it was covered with a myriad of soda cans, chip bags and cans, Magic cards, video games, game controllers, and papers. So I cleaned it. All. And now the table looks really nice, and the soda cans are all nice and empty and dry and waiting to be taken to the store.

But i didn't stop there, I actually went and organized stuff and cleaned the stove and swept the floor and put away food and threw out empty things and now things are nice and neat c:

Today I am going to get a pet rat, I think. Or two. It should be exciting :D

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Post 02:: "And Move Your Shit...Which Is Your Life. Ohh. That Could Have Been Worded Better"

Today started off with me packing the last of my things into boxes with Derek 'helping".
He pretty much just distracted me. It was annoying. Except not.
Before he got to my house, I looked out the front door for mail, saw that there was none, and then closed the door.
Then I opened it again because our front porch was missing.
And there was a giant pile of dirt in our front yard, along with a asscrapton of construction workers and their. . contraptions.
Apparently my parents had decided that my moving day was a fantastic day to get our entire garage replaced. Good times.

Anyway, we went to Denny's and got some cheese sticks and toast and junk, and we unpacked stuff. Then Derek left, and Poncho, Dylan, Dan and I went back to Troy to get the remains of my things, like my dresser and posters and junk. Poncho turned on my ceiling fan and threw push pins into it while yelling 'DANGEROUS". Every single push pin nearly hit Dan in the face.